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Provide for in a sentence

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Sentence count:155+5Posted:2017-09-24Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: provide fundsprovideprovidedproviderprovidentprovidenceimprovidentprovidential
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31. No stamp duty should be payable because of these reliefs but the Regulations do not provide for a hybrid certificate.
32. We can not lead the world economy and provide for our citizens with only a business-government partnership.
33. We must respect the past, and mistrust the present, if we wish to provide for the safety of the future. Joseph Joubert 
34. These proposals provide for the replacement of the present local authorities in the area.
35. Some of the churches attempted to provide for the needs of their members by maintaining small libraries.
36. Provide for catharsis - release of interdepartmental or interpersonal conflicts of long standing.
37. Lay officers were more dependent on the rewards of their secular offices to provide for themselves and for their families.
38. Before deciding whether to provide for determination by expert rather than by arbitration, it is essential to appreciate the differences between them.
39. Advanced expert systems provide for the integration with conventional applications software.
40. The parishes were required to levy rates to provide for the relief of the poor.
41. Alternatively, the statute may provide for the reasonable practicability of precautions.
42. Keen to work proactively, we asked eight local pharmacists what they could provide for our patients.
43. Emphasis is placed on the responsibility of individuals to provide for their own welfare needs and those of their dependants.
44. Each participating State will provide for its legislative approval of defence expenditures.
45. But these Acts do not proscribe activities, they simply provide for investigation in appropriate cases.
46. It was supposed that burning wood, trash, and the like would provide for our energy needs.
47. Thus, for example, when specific prices are rising, depreciating the historic cost of the asset will not provide for replacement.
48. At present the opportunities they provide for cost cutting are more to the fore.
49. It is competently designed to enable us to exchange things which we need but can not each provide for ourselves.
50. My plans for 1992-93 provide for an overall increase in my education programme of some 15 percent. over that for 1991-92.
51. Unable to provide for his wife and children(, McCree was adrift in a great void.
52. They provide for the less committed who still wish to enjoy some of the fruits of the soccer culture.
53. Mis-matches between job requirements and people's capabilities provide for human error.
54. The traditional male role in marriage is to provide for women and children.
55. Ministers have been told that the present Levy Order does not explicitly provide for the recovery of levy from live lamb exports.
56. The system was meant to provide for the quick identification of stolen animals.
57. What is most striking about such groupings is that they provide for careers on the football terraces.
58. Any well-drafted transfer will therefore provide for the transfer of the right to sue for such breaches.
59. On 21 February 1992[], he proposed his own bill to provide for a referendum on the Maastricht Treaty.
60. I wanted to shield her from evil and provide for her every need.
More similar words: provide fundsprovideprovidedproviderprovidentprovidenceimprovidentprovidentialprovided thatimprovidenceprovidentiallyservice providerprovidingproviding thatprovisoprovingprovincedecide forprovincesimproviseapprovingprovincialreprovingprovisionimprovingprovisionsimprovisedprovisionalapprovinglyprovisioning
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